Customer Service: (865) 457-9232
The Revised Lead and Copper Rule (LCRR) was finalized by the US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) on December 16, 2021. This new federal EPA regulation is focused on eliminating lead in drinking water. The regulation requires water utilities to inventory both public (CUB-owned) and private (customer-owned) water service line materials. CUB’s “system owned” water service lines have been inventoried from the water mains to the water meters. We are pleased to say there are no lead service lines in CUB’s distribution system.
For the next step in the process, CUB is currently working to gather an inventory of the customer-owned service line materials throughout our water system service territory. As part of this step, CUB needs your help determining (1) the service line material connected to your home and (2) the plumbing materials used within your home. To maintain complete records, we ask that you perform a materials verification test and complete this survey. Your participation in this survey not only helps CUB satisfy the EPA LCRR requirements, but also documents the plumbing material in your home. We thank you in advance for your participation of this important information that benefits our community.

Please click here for our Materials Verification Test Instructions.
Please click here for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) and additional information.